Specialized Agencies

The Specialized Agencies offer the most intimate and crisis-oriented committees with 15 to 30 delegates each, promising thrilling simulations, refreshing diversity, and tight-knit environments. Composed of a small number of delegates, usually in a round-table setting, they emulate the fast-paced and unpredictable challenges that face our global leaders, allowing delegates to work closely with a group of passionate peers to tackle these issues.

These committees are intended for experienced delegates who seek to confront the highest levels of international debate, cooperation, and high-stakes decision-making. If you are interested in Specialized Agency positions, please note so in your MUNBase application.


United Nations Security Council

Director: Jack Kelly

Crisis Director: Cormac Savage

Contact: unsc@harvardmun.org

Tiktok board of directors, 2023 ce

Director: Sammy Tin

Crisis Director: Rachel Zhou

Contact: tiktok@harvardmun.org

The Roman Olympic Committee, 43 BCE

Director: Kanny Ho Fong

Crisis Director: Oscar Berry

Contact: romanrepublic@harvardmun.org

the fall of the shang dynasty, 1064 bce

Director: Will Smith

Crisis Director: Desiree Rickett

Contact: shangdynasty@harvardmun.org

the court of Elizabeth 1, 1559 ce

Director: Matthew Allana

Crisis Director: Sophia Weng

Contact: courtofelizabeth@harvardmun.org

the court of abkar the great, 1580 ce

Director: Dhriti Vadlakonda

Crisis Director: Maitri Shah

Contact: akbarthegreat@harvardmun.org

ad hoc committee of the secretary general

Director: Annabelle Krause

Crisis Director: Arpit Bhate

Contact: adhoc@harvardmun.org

futuristic security council, F.R. 1317

Director: Casey Murray

Crisis Director: Alice Yang

Contact: fsc@harvardmun.org


Press corps, 2030 ce

Director: Jōsh Myosoré

Managing Director: Victor Arruda

Contact: presscorps@harvardmun.org