Committee List


General Assembly committees are resolution-based and large-sized, ranging from 100 to 400 delegates each, addressing some of the United Nations’ most urgent issues.

economic and social council

Economic and Social Council committees are resolution-based and mid-sized, at 30 to 80 delegates each, allowing delegates to take the floor multiple times throughout the weekend.

regional bodies

Regional Bodies are resolution-based and mid-sized, at 30 to 80 delegates each, with a unique regional focus, allowing for deep and nuanced debate on a particular region.

Specialized Bodies

Specialized Bodies, new to HMUN 2025, are directive-based and small-sized, at 20 to 40 delegates each, allowing for members to explore leadership and negotiation from a unique perspective.

crisis committees

Crisis Committees are directive-based and small-sized, at 15 to 30 delegates each, with backroom elements, simulating the fast-paced and unpredictable challenges that face our global leaders.